Thursday, April 24, 2008

Shift Happens

Thanks for all your comment. Chuck sent a UTube link that I'd like to pass along. It's from a wiki site called Shifthappens.
I hope you are all recovered and using something that you learned in class.


Anonymous said...

I loved this video. There are some awesome facts that I could use to create a fun math lesson. I think my students would not be as surprised as I was when I watched it!


Anonymous said...

This was a great video. I'm going to talk to my principal about showing it to our staff. There are a lot of great videos on youtube that can be used in the classroom if it's not blocked. I have a few about cyberbullying that I think are terrific.


Anonymous said...

I want to show this to my husband. I went home and made sure I could access it. He teachers computer science at the college level, and I thought he would be interested in this presentation as well, and might even want to use it in some of his courses. Thanks!