Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Spring is Here - Maybe

Even though it is technically Spring, and you would probably rather be home watching a baseball game, I'm very glad to have you in class. I'm also happy that we have such an interesting mix of teachers represented. If you have a special interest that you want to pursue, or if you are having problems, please see me. Based on the papers that I have graded, the pace seems about right.
My goals are to give you an overview of the Internet and how it can be used in the classroom, to update some specific Internet skills, and to provide the opportunity to tap into resources of in-class colleagues. Hopefully, we'll also have some fun, and spring will come by the time we are finished.
Some time during this class, you will have to send a comment for one of my blog postings. Just click on the comment link below the post (message) write your comment, sign your initials, and post it. I'll explain in class. See you Thursday. M


Mr. Golebiowski said...

First to comment - hurray!


Anonymous said...

The class is going along just fine. I hope the rain stops some time soon. Enjoy your weekend.

-Jim S.

Anonymous said...

Hope the rain clears up. This is much colder than the cruise last week.
Look forward to learning how to find some jazz music sites for my students.
-Steve G.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary,

Thanks for teaching this class. I'm enjoying the material and trying new things. See you later!


Anonymous said...

If April Showers bring Mayflowers -
What do Mayflowers bring?


K. D.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the useful information so far!


Anonymous said...

April showers...bring May flowers!

Shelley M.

connies said...

This is all very interesting. I may even catch up a bit with my students.
The weather tomorrow should be very nice.
Have a good weekend

Anonymous said...

All I can think about is dinner.


Anonymous said...

I am enjoying the opportunity to take advantage of all the time you have spent garnering the best sites for various subgroups. Thank you for the many hours of work this has taken you. Sharen S.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning,
I am learning soooo much in class. Each night I come home and I tell my husband all the exciting sited and topics we discuss in class. The site on the sex offenders creeps me out!!!

See you Tuesday

Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying the class but not the weather! Bring on the warmer weather with some sunshine!