Saturday, July 26, 2008

Graphic Novels

Today's Tribune (Saturday) has an article on Graphic Novels. Graphic novels are what used to be called comic books. They're being published again at all levels of sophistication and for all ages. A lot of them are of dubious quality, but some are very innovative and rival other literary genres.
If you know nothing about graphic novels, take a look at the article in the Trib, or ask your librarian to show you a few. If you have students who are reluctant readers, learning English or have learning problems, consider using them where they might serve a purpose. Make sure you preview and choose only those that are appropriate. Many are not! My home page lists several sites that provide reviews and resources. Go to:
Click on the GRAPHIC NOVEL link. If you haven't read Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis, or seen the movie, I highly recommend both. Hope you're having a great week-end. Mary


Anonymous said...

Neat website! I had no idea there were so many genres of graphic novels!! I might need to investigate them more. Thanks!! ~MN

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the information, I have used commics with my own son who is not yet reading, he loved them but I found them to violent, I will read the article and see if there are others that might be more appropriate.

Anonymous said...

My students love graphic novels. One that is really popular is the "Bone" series. Thanks!