If any of you doubt that we're "Movin On" or that many of the rapid changes in society are being triggered by technology, look at the use of cell phones. They have very quickly morphed from portable phones to texting devices, to Internet, and now to augmented reality. They're fast becoming essential tools for everyone, especially 8-12 year olds.
Many American schools have been slow to incorporate new technology tools. In this class, we'll explore some of the reasons for our reluctance, and some of the ways to embrace the technology and harness its power. I hope we'll also have some fun. Welcome to class! Mary
I've developed an appreciation for the technological advances that have been discussed in class. Being of the older generation, I've been skeptical about embracing such rapid change, but though we've discussed some of the pitfalls, which I've always known, it's interesting to see the other side in a new light. Karen H.
I have mixed feelings about the new technology. It can makes our lifes easier but it also could complicate it. The lack of privacy concerns me the most.
I agree that students today are much more technologically advanced than most adults! I find it interesting and sad that technology teachers are being laid off due to lack of school funding. In my school district we are also not able to maintain upgrades or the technology we currently have in the district due to budget cuts!
I completely agree. We need to try to incorporate technology into teaching to grab and hold our students attention. There is a web site that I have used where you can input information, questions, true or false or open ended questions and students use their phone and text in their responses. Their responses automatically come up on the screen. Cyndi M.
I think as teacher we have to embrace the rapid change in technology. Our students are using it and we not only need to be aware of it but we need to encourage the use of the technology that is out there. I love learning about a new programs/software or technology available to me and and enjoy allowing my kids to experience using it. Kate
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