Thursday, April 17, 2008

Web Sites- Good or Bad

Thanks for your comments. I agree that students much prefer the Internet for research over print material. The research tools that libraries subscribe to should be as accurate as reference books, but students often don't differentiate between reliable sources and regular web sites. If you are interested in teaching students to look closer at sites, check my home page, under web evaluation.
These two sites will provide a variety of lessons and worksheets for different levels.

Thanks for taking my class. I've enjoyed our time together, and hope that you have learned something that you can take back to your school and use.


Anonymous said...

I've enjoyed this class, and I've learned a lot!! Now I know why you kept the pace so fast--so we wouldn't go off searching sites on our own if we finished early.

Thanks again,

Anonymous said...

Thanks. There was a lot of great information presented in this class. Now we get to have fun trying to file all our handouts back at school!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the new ideas, websites, and skills that I've learned in the class. My own children have already used some of the websites I was introduced to in the class!! I'll be looking for any new Technology classes you may be teaching!!


Anonymous said...

I liked this class because it shows how quick everything is changing in terms of putting everything on the internet. Thanks for all of your input!


Anonymous said...

Thanks. I have enjoyed this class and believe I have learned a lot. You gave us a lot of good information. We are going to try some of the lessons out next week. Wish me luck!
Have a great summer.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mary,
Thanks for the sites. I will definitely look into these.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for helping me better understand what a Blog is. I hear technology lingo all the time and usually have no clue what they are talking about. Now I can respond to our principal's blog!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for reducing Internet "Fear Factor". You kept us on track. SS

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mary for all the work you put into this class. I took this class to learn more about all the new tools to use on the web. This class addressed just that. I felt that we just touched on much of the information and the class could be longer. Thanks again for all the technological information you gave to us in this course.

Anonymous said...

I too enjoyed the class Mary! Thanks for your work and information. I found this link on YouTube and thought that you might find it interesting.

Thanks again
Chuck W.

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Monitor de LCD, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the helpful information and websites to use!

Anonymous said...

I will appreciate learning about new or different approaches to teaching students (grades 3-5) about website evaluation. I taught a two day lesson to fifth grade last year, based on Kathy Shrock's resources, but would like to improve upon it. It was not until day 2 that I was able to build in some interactive activities, and would prefer to have it occur sooner in the lesson to keep students engaged. Also, having new material will help when I am called upon to repeat the content later in the year as a review or mini-refresher.

Marcia July 24, 2008