Monday, November 29, 2010

Primary Source Material

If you teach Social Studies/History in middle or high school, you should take a look at these two sites. They provide resources & lessons for using primary sources material with students.
They are:
The Primary Source Librarian:
and EDSITEment from National Endowment for the Humanities:
Try them. You'll like them!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Portals - Pop Culture

A portal is a collection of related activities or information on one web site. One that you might want to check is Professor Garfield. It's designed for kids, K-6. Included are fun activities related to reading, math and science as well as music and art. It also provides tools for students to create a comic strip and/or a graphic novel. Haven't used it a lot but it seems well designed.
I'm beginning to notice a number of sites that offer links to what I'd call "pop" culture. If you are interested in exploring the integration of popular culture with school, I would also recommend Making Curriculum Pop, a site which facilitates teachers discussion on a variety of "pop" topics.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Skype, Edmodo, Reading sites

In response to some of your interests, I've put together a list of some Internet sites that you might want to explore.
Noah requested info on Skype, a computer based telephone service, which can be used with a webcam to see people as you talk to them. Lots of projects for schools. One of the best Skype intro sites is listed here. It's from the Cool Cat Teacher Blog, which we'll look at next week.
Jess requested info on Edmodo
I have not used it, but it seems to be a place to create teacher blogs and teacher conferencing groups. Take a look if interested.
Several of you have an interest in reading, preschool or primary sites, including stories with audio. A good place to start is Page 2 of my home page: . Have fun!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Wonderful World of the Internet

Welcome to the wonderful world of the Internet!
We have: Web 1 and Web 2; i-pods, i-pads, i-phones; laptops, netbooks, e-books; cable, wi-fi, 3G, 4G; blogs, Facebook, Twitter, NINGS; virtual things, virtual places, virtual people, and virtual worlds. The Internet IS wonderful, but it often seems to be moving so fast we can't keep up.
Welcome to class. This class offers you a time to take a look at this exciting, dynamic resource. We'll try some of the new tools, explore a few of the old, develop new techniques for your class, and have some fun. I'm glad to have you here. Mary