Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Skype, Edmodo, Reading sites

In response to some of your interests, I've put together a list of some Internet sites that you might want to explore.
Noah requested info on Skype, a computer based telephone service, which can be used with a webcam to see people as you talk to them. Lots of projects for schools. One of the best Skype intro sites is listed here. It's from the Cool Cat Teacher Blog, which we'll look at next week.
Jess requested info on Edmodo
I have not used it, but it seems to be a place to create teacher blogs and teacher conferencing groups. Take a look if interested.
Several of you have an interest in reading, preschool or primary sites, including stories with audio. A good place to start is Page 2 of my home page: . Have fun!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for following up on Skype for me, Mary. I have heard that it is sometimes hard to keep a signal, but it does seem like it holds powerful potential. Noah

Anonymous said...

I'm going to share information on Ed Modo with the class.

Anonymous said...

Another good site for accessing stories online is
This site features popular books read by members of the screen actors guild.

Anonymous said...

try for a fun website with stories read to the kids. Fairytales, holiday themes, etc. Authors and actors read the stories and show the text to follow along with!

Anonymous said...

Several teachers use Edmodo for their classes. I'm anxious to learn more about it. Lillian

Anonymous said...

Several teachers use Edmodo at my school. I'm anxious to learn more about it! Lillian