Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I'm very glad to see that almost all of you have posted a comment on our blog. I'd like to address a few of your comments.
Colleen asked for some riddles for High School level students. I did a search using:
riddles "brain teasers"
, and got this site which looks usable for students.
Shari says that she cannot use the favorites feature at her school, and must put the links into Word and open the site from there. This works if you click the link in Word using Ctrl-click (hold both keys down together).
Audrey comments on sites slowing down when a whole class tries to use it at the same time. This happens if the site is a smaller one. Servers cannot handle the traffic and slow.
The only solution I can offer is if you can use two sites during class and switch half way. This way only 1/2 the class will be accessing at one time.
I appreciate all of your thoughtful comments, and I'm pleased that you're beginning to use this technlogy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been meaning to ask this question- you have said you like Mozilla over Explorer and I wondered why. My daughter also likes Mozlla and it causes a number of arguments (just kidding.)
Could you expand on why you like Mozilla? Thanks, Cyndi