Tuesday, March 15, 2011

NING - Making Curriculum Pop

Add a NING to your repetoire of Web 2.0 tools. NING is one of a number of sites that enables you to set up a social networking site to allow you to communicate with others who share similar interests. You can broadcast info to the entire membership, or create smaller special interest discussion groups.
One such site that I have been following is Making Curriculum Pop (MC Pop) http://mcpopmb.ning.com
At MCPop, teachers can share ideas for incorporating popular culture and media into classroom activities. They can ask questions of other teachers or discuss options. There are specific themes dealt with each day, and a summary appears in your email.
Take a look at this site. You'll find it innovative and fun.

Vicki Davis of Cool Cat Teacher Blog puts together an international online Conference and uses NING to support and facilitate it . See how she uses it here:

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